
Hi! I’m John. There are a few reasons why I started winfantasy.ai.

What are the most fun parts of fantasy sports? Drafting, negotiating trades, signing that young player before he makes the leap. No one says "remembering to set my lineup each morning." I’m still salty that I lost my fantasy football playoffs this year because I forgot to adjust lineups ahead of the Thursday night game. It's 2023. AI should do this for us.

I’ve made a career out of combining optimization and machine learning techniques to enable teams and companies to make better decisions. I decided to build this site because I wanted to see if I could apply these methods to fantasy games.

Finally, it comes down to doing what you enjoy. I’ve worked for four NBA teams, both full-time and in consulting roles. I love sports and trying to predict performance. This site does not just check who has games each day -- we employ a rich forecasting and simulation model to predict which players give your team the best chance to win under a variety of potential outcomes. I find this quest endlessly fascinating and engaging.

I hope these tools help you stop benching your stars and start winning your fantasy leagues!

2023 Update: I built this site during my paternity leave in late 2020, and ran it for free during the 2021 season. It was a huge success. Our teams won their leagues at twice the rate of the average team, and I had a great time hearing from happy users. I ended up shutting it down for two reasons. First, it was expensive to maintain given the extensive simulation logic that goes into the projections. Second, I got a job as VP of Basketball Analytics for the Timberwolves, and didn't have time to maintain it.

Unfortunately my time with the Timberwolves ended in late 2022, and during the holiday break I decided to bring the site back. I've made a few changes to make it more sustainable. First, I've added a subscription model. This is basically at-cost for me, but it will allow me to continue to maintain the site. Second, I've added a few new features, specifically the transaction recommendations and injury list management. I am back working for a pro team, so don't have much time to continue to develop the site, but I hope you enjoy it. If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at admin@ the domain name of this site.